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August 11 - 15, 2025 - New Haven, Connecticut, USA

7th International Conference
on Quantum Error Correction


About the Conference

QEC25 marks the 7th International Conference on Quantum Error Correction, a prestigious biennial event that has been a cornerstone of the quantum research community since its inception in 2007. Previous editions have been hosted in leading international cities, including Los Angeles, California; Zurich, Switzerland; Washington, District of Columbia; London, UK; and Sydney, Australia. For the 2025 edition, the conference returns to the United States, proudly hosted by the Yale Quantum Institute.

This conference will convene distinguished experts from academia and industry to explore cutting-edge research in theoretical, experimental, and technological advancements towards achieving robust quantum computation. Key topics will include quantum control, error correction, fault tolerance, and their intersection with physics, computer science, and technology.

Scheduled from Monday, August 11 to Friday, August 15, 2025, QEC25 will take place at the Yale Quantum Institute in New Haven, with an anticipated attendance of 400 quantum researchers. A tutorial session will be offered for students and anyone interested the day before, on Sunday, August 10, 2025.

Invited Speakers

The following scientists will give invited talks during the conference, listed by alphabetical order.

Andrew Cross
Margarita Davydova
Michael Gullans
David Hayes
Roffe Joschka
University of Edinburgh
Priya Nadkarni
Oskar Painter
Noah Shutty
James Teoh
Quantum Circuits Inc.
Christophe Vuillot
Alice & Bob
Andreas Wallraff
ETH Zurich
Harry Zhou

Call for Submissions

The QEC 2025 Program Committee invites contributions for talks and posters on outstanding recent research in quantum error correction, fault tolerance, quantum control, and related areas. The program will feature cutting-edge research in theoretical, experimental, and technological advancements across both academic and industrial efforts.
All submissions must be made electronically through the EasyChair submission system.
Contributed talks at QEC 2025 should represent outstanding recent research contributions to the field. Each submission for a talk should include the following components:

Extended Abstract
This should be 1 page in length (excluding references) and provide a clear, nontechnical, and insightful summary of the results and their significance. Extended abstracts should facilitate an intuitive understanding of the research and help the program committee assess its importance. They should highlight new conceptual contributions and be broadly accessible.

Optional Technical Manuscript
Optionally, a full paper describing the work in technical detail can be submitted. This manuscript may be from an online repository, such as the arXiv, but a PDF copy must be uploaded (not merely linked). If the work spans multiple technical papers, these must be combined into a single file. The technical manuscript does not need to be a full paper; it may also serve as supplementary material meant to add convincing or supporting detail to the claims made in the extended abstract. While optional, we encourage the submission of a technical manuscript.

Submissions not accepted as talks will automatically be considered for posters.

The program committee reserves the right to reject submissions based on formatting deviations.

Instructions for Poster-only Submissions
Poster-only submissions require only a title and a short abstract. A technical manuscript may be attached optionally. Please indicate the presenter in the required field.

EasyChair Submissions
Log in to EasyChair (or create an account if necessary) and navigate to the QEC 2025 submission link. Select the appropriate track (talk or poster-only) and follow the instructions. Submissions can be updated or withdrawn until the deadline; only the latest version will be reviewed.

Submit your abstract - via EasyChair

Important Dates

January 10, 2025

March 28, 2025

End of day (AoE)
Abstract Submission Deadline

May 1, 2025

End of day (AoE)
Poster-Only Submission Deadline

May 5, 2025

9 am
Early-Bird Registration Opens

May 12, 2025

End of day
Author Notification

June 8, 2025

End of day
Early-Bird Registration Ends

August 9, 2025

August 10, 2025

All day
QEC25 Tutorial Sessions

August 11-15, 2025

All day


Steering Committee

Stephen Bartlett, The University of Sydney
Kenneth Brown, Duke
Earl Campbell, University of Sheffield & Riverlane

YQI Organization Committee

Steve Girvin (Chair)
Amy Badner
Florian Carle
Aleksander Kubica
Shruti Puri

Program Committee

Steve Flammia (Chair), Virginia Tech
Barbara Terhal (Co-Chair), Delft University of Technology
Nouédyn Baspin, University of Sydney
Niko Breuckmann, University of Bristol
Natalie Brown, Quantinuum
Ken Brown, Duke University
Ben Brown, IBM
Earl Campbell, Riverlane
Margarita Davydova, Caltech
Nicolas Delfosse, IonQ
Daniel Gottesman, University of Maryland
Arne Grimsmo, AWS
Michael Gullans, University of Maryland / NIST
David Hayes, Quantinuum
Min-Hsiu Hsieh, Foxconn
Shilin Huang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Liang Jiang, University of Chicago
Vadym Kliuchnikov, Microsoft
Anirudh Krishna, IBM
Aleksander Kubica, Yale University
Anthony Leverrier, INRIA
Harry Levine, UC Berkeley
Matthew McEwen, Google
Markus Müller, RWTH Aachen University
Quynh Nguyen, Harvard University
Christopher A. Pattison, Caltech
Shruti Puri, Yale University
Armanda Quintavalle, Freie Universität Berlin
Baptiste Royer, Université de Sherbrooke
Marcus da Silva, Microsoft
Maika Takita, IBM
Jeff Thompson, Princeton University
Qian Xu, Caltech
Hayata Yamasaki, University of Tokyo

This conference is following the rules and recommendations listed in the QEC Charter here

Travel and Accomodation

Yale is located in New Haven, Connecticut, one of the best small cities in America, situated two-and-a-half hours south of Boston and one-and-a-half hours north of New York City. New Haven has many attractions including a thriving downtown district with parks, shops, museums, hotels, and restaurants. Its neighborhoods are home to historic buildings and diverse communities. Beyond the city limits lie beautiful beaches, peaceful lakes, charming New England towns, and pastoral suburbs. New Haven is easily accessible by car, train, bus, and airplane.


If coming from abroad, the easiest way to travel to Yale University is by air. There are a number of nearby airports serviced by international airlines.

Bradley International Airport (BDL) in Windsor Locks, Connecticut

John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) in New York City

LaGuardia International Airport (LGA) in New York City

Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) in Newark, New Jersey

Tweed New Haven Airport (HVN) in New Haven, Connecticut

Amtrak provides services from Newark airport to New Haven’s Union Station. For all other airports, private shuttle services are available through Connecticut Limousine (800.472.5466) and GO Airport Shuttle (866.284.3247). Please be sure to make reservations for shuttle services well in advance. Taking a taxi from any of these airports except for Tweed is not recommended.


If traveling from within the United States, it is convenient to take a train to New Haven Union Station, minutes from Yale’s campus.

Metro-North Railways (800.638.7647) offers frequent train service between New Haven and New York City.

Amtrak (800.872.7245) provides train service to New Haven from Vermont, Providence, Boston, and Washington DC.

Once you reach the station, we suggest that you use a local taxi service to reach campus. There is a taxi stand at the station; a taxi ride costs approximately $10. Alternatively, local shuttles and bus services are also available for travel between Union Station and Yale.


If traveling from within the United States, it is also possible to take a bus to New Haven Union Station, which also serves as a bus terminal.

Greyhound (203.772.2470)

Peter Pan (800.343.9999)


There are multiple driving routes that you can take to arrive on campus. We recommend entering “OC Marsh Lecture Hall, 260 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511” into your GPS.


We will provide preferential nightly rate for QEC25 attendee at a selection of hotels soon.

The following hotels are in New Haven, Connecticut and are located within a short distance of the Yale campus:


Please apply for travel visas well in advance of the conference. For visa letters or other information, please email with subject heading "QEC 2025 Visa Inquiry”.